HE Laser - Resolving Excessive Nozzle Heat in Metal Sheet Fiber Laser Cutting Machines


Metal sheet fiber laser cutting machines have revolutionized the manufacturing industry by offering high precision and efficiency. The nozzle plays a crucial role in fiber laser cutting machines for metal, performing tasks such as distance tracking, auxiliary gas guiding, and gas pressure formation. However, excessive heat buildup at the nozzle during the fiber laser cutting process can lead to various issues, impacting cutting quality and the lifespan of the fiber laser cutting equipment. In this blog, we will explore the factors causing and provide effective solutions to mitigate this problem.

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Factors Causing Nozzle Overheating in Metal Sheet Fiber Laser Cutting Machines:


1. High Power Settings in Metal Sheet Cutting:

When operating metal sheet fiber laser cutting machines, using high power settings not suitable for the material being cut can result in excessive heat generation. It is crucial to adjust laser power settings according to the specific metal sheet to prevent nozzle overheating.

2. Inefficient Cooling Systems for Fiber Laser Cutting Machines:

An inefficient cooling system can impede heat dissipation during the laser cutting process. Regular inspection and maintenance of the cooling system components, including the water chiller or air assist, are essential to ensure proper coolant flow, temperature control, and cleanliness.

3. Nozzle Contamination in Fiber Laser Cutting Machines:

Contamination on the protect lens, focusing lens, collimating lens, or fiber head (QBH) can obstruct the transmission of laser energy and cause excess heat buildup in metal sheet fiber laser cutting machines. Implementing regular cleaning procedures for these components is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and reducing nozzle heating.

4. Managing Metal Sheet Temperature:

During the laser cutting process of metal sheets, heat transfer is expected. However, excessive heat in the metal sheet can impact the temperature of the nozzle. Adjusting cutting parameters such as laser power, cutting speed, and assist gas flow is necessary to manage heat generation and minimize nozzle overheating in metal sheet fiber laser cutting machines.

5. Alignment and Concentricity Issues:

Alignment problems between the laser beam and the nozzle, as well as lack of concentricity between the inner core hole and outer hole of the nozzle, can disrupt the efficient coolant flow. Addressing and correcting these alignment issues are essential to ensure proper cooling and minimize nozzle overheating in metal sheet cutting.

6. Defocus Prevention:

Incorrect focus alignment causes the laser beam to spread out, leading to reduced cutting efficiency and increased heat generation at the nozzle. Regularly double-checking and adjusting the focus position will help maintain optimal cutting performance and prevent excessive nozzle heating in metal sheet fiber laser cutting machines.


Solutions and Recommendations for Resolving Excessive Nozzle Heat in Metal Sheet Fiber Laser Cutting Machines:


1. Regular Maintenance and Cleaning:

Implementing a routine maintenance schedule for metal sheet fiber laser cutting machines is crucial. This includes cleaning and inspection of the nozzle, lenses, and fiber head to prevent contamination and ensure optimal performance.

2. Optimization of Cutting Parameters:

Optimize cutting parameters, including laser power, cutting speed, and assist gas flow, based on the specific metal sheet being cut. Optimizing cutting parameters maximizes efficiency, minimizes heat generation, and reduces nozzle heating in metal sheet cutting.

3. Effective Cooling Systems:

Ensure that the cooling system in your laser cutting machine is efficient and properly maintained. Regularly inspect and clean components such as the water chiller or air assist to maintain proper coolant flow and temperature control. Upgrading cooling components, if necessary, can also enhance heat dissipation capabilities and prevent nozzle overheating.

4. Calibration and Alignment:

Regularly calibrate and align the laser system of metal sheet fiber laser cutting machines. This ensures accurate beam positioning and concentricity, maintaining proper coolant flow and minimizing nozzle overheating due to misalignment.

5. Seek Professional Assistance:

If persistent overheating issues occur or if there is uncertainty about troubleshooting steps, seek guidance from  Wuhan HE Laser Engineering Co., Ltd. Our expertise will ensure accurate diagnosis and resolution of nozzle overheating problems in metal sheet fiber laser cutting machines. 

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Email: info@helaser.com.cn



Nozzle overheating during metal sheet fiber laser cutting can be caused by various factors, including high power settings, inefficient cooling systems, nozzle contamination, metal sheet temperature, alignment issues, and defocus. Implementing proper maintenance procedures, optimizing cutting parameters, ensuring effective cooling, and addressing alignment problems are essential for mitigating excessive nozzle heat in metal sheet fiber laser cutting machines. Adhering to these recommendations will not only improve cutting quality but also extend the fiber laser cutting equipment's lifespan and enhance operational safety in metal sheet cutting processes.



